We love our volunteers. It is a great way to get a feel for camp life, spend some extra time, and to serve! We couldn’t run without you. Volunteer opportunities start with our Electrical/Water update May 1 – June 30. Then different opportunities happen while camps are running in July and August. See below for what is coming up.

Maintenance Projects

We’re working on updating some electrical and water. Are you a professional that can give some time to help us with these in 2025? Or a volunteer with different skills (clean-up, drywall, painting, etc.) that would like to lend a hand? Or perhaps you can help provide materials for our projects, food for the workers or financial support. Contact us here to let us know how you can help out!

Summer Camp Opportunities

If you’d like to volunteer, fill out the form (some positions require 18+ such as cabin leading) and let us know how you’d like to get involved. If you have questions about the roles, shoot us an email at info@millcreekcamp.org.

*Please note, we will require a police check and intervention record check if you are over 18 years old.

Here are some of the roles you could take on:

  • Cabin Leading (Requires age 18+ and minimum Emergency First Aid with CPR C)*
  • Kitchen helper
  • Maintenance (A variety of tasks you can help with including taking in garbage/recycling, bottles; tree cutting, weed control, minor repairs, major repairs)
  • Program (Helpful to have 18+ and Intermediate First Aid with CPR C)
  • Speaking
  • Music
  • Photography/Media

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