The Board of Directors for Mill Creek Baptist Camp is made up of a hard-working collection of dedicated individuals with a passion for The Mill. They welcome any questions/concerns you may have about Mill Creek and would love to take a minute with you to explain why they volunteer so much of their time and effort into this ministry.
Board Chair : Stephen Reynolds – Lethbridge, AB
“I have been involved with CBWC camping ministries for most of my pastoral ministry. While in Calgary I was involved with Gull Lake Camp and then when pastoring in Pincher Creek was on the Mill Creek Board. Our girls attended every year and have both served in leadership positions. A week at camp is an incredible opportunity to experience a loving community, to be introduced and to grow in Christ. I believe it is community at its best and one of the most important ministries that we do together as churches and our denomination.”
Secretary : Anna Braun – Lethbridge, AB
Treasurer : Rebekah Lodermeier – Claresholm, AB
“As soon as I showed up for my first week of camp in 2011, I knew this place was something special!
From looking forward to my week of camp every summer, to volunteering for as many extra weeks as I could, camp became the space where I felt closest to God through my teenage years and was instrumental in my spiritual development.
I’m so excited to be able to serve in this way and help make it a special place for the next generation of campers!”
Board Member: Kevin Roberts – High River, AB
Board Member: Martin Jarvis – Claresholm, AB
“My wife Diane and I moved to Claresholm a couple years ago to be a bit closer to grandkids. I was happy to hear about Mill Creek Bible camp being close by. We have worked with youth for 30 years and know the impact summer camps have. I hope I can help out in any way and encourage everyone involved.”
Board Member: Amy Kithia – Lethbridge, AB
Mill Creek Baptist Camp is a Christian organization dedicated to providing a safe and positive camping environment for individuals of all ages to encounter and engage with God’s presence in their lives. God changes lives here.
Does this excite you? Do you want to be part of taking Mill Creek Baptist Camp forward? Consider joining us as a board member, we’d love to talk with you.
Contact Stephen Reynolds at for more information.